How AI turned Little Red Riding Hood into a horror story

David Barton-Grimley
2 min readOct 21, 2019
Photo by Evan Dennis on Unsplash

Let’s face it, like most European fairy tales, Little Red Riding Hood is creepy at best. That could explain why AI thinks it’s a slasher film from the 1980’s.

Or it’s just being seasonally festive. 🦇 💀

I used Adam King’s tool to see what the latest AI could do to a fairy tale.

Here’s the text I inputted:

Everyone called her Little Red Riding Hood, because she always wore a red riding hood. It had been given to her by her grandmother,

Here’s what SHOULD follow:

Extracted from here (scroll down to ‘read the story’)

who loved the little girl very much. One day Little Red Riding Hood’s mother said, “Here, child, take this basket to your grandmother. It’s got bread, butter, cake and berries in it. She’s feeling sick and I hope this will make her feel better. Don’t talk to strangers, don’t leave the path and walk straight to your grandma’s house.

Innocent enough so far.

Here’s what AI thinks should come next:

⚔️ ⚔️ ⚔️ ⚔️⚔️ ⚔️

Mama Bear, and it was something she made that had been made by her family for the whole family. But now, all of the bears in the forest where she lived were gone.“There must be animals that were eating them,” said her mother.“They must have been poisoned to death. You see, there used to be a bear’s stomach that I used to love to eat. It was so sweet and juicy. And she was a very smart bear. Like Mama Bear. I never knew it was Mama. I was always afraid that she might walk in and kill me. So I never used to put the horseshoe on her. I’m sure it wasn’t Mama, but it was so sweet a horseshoe on a bear’s stomach.”

Does AI always turn to the macabre?

Thankfully not, admittedly the results can vary from totally nonsensical to rather quaint. But that AI can do this is scary. There’s a reason why GPT-2’s creators thought it was too dangerous to release.

Mix GPT-2 with deep fake video, and you get a deep fake that can produce its own content with it’s own crazy view of the world.

Why am I doing this?

This post is part of a personal project I’m working on called Drunk Robots. We’re making a web series from content made by AI.

🖱 Follow us on instagram, episode 1 coming soon:



David Barton-Grimley

Mastications on culture and technology. Missive in nature.